The Bestfriend:Nicollette Ann GrahamThis girl is the best. I love her so much. We had some pretty bomb ass times together. We did everything together, no matter how crazy it was. We always have eachothers back. Nikki is exactly 2175.71 miles away. I miss her more then ever and can't wait till college when we'll be moving in together. I love you, Nik.♥
The Boyfriend:Jason M. SchuffI'm total head over heals crazy in love with this guy. He's the best thing that has ever happend to me. My live wouls be meaningless if he wasn't in it. Because of Jaosn my life has changed for the better. I hatedlife before he came into it ans showed me Iwas better then what people had said about me. He can make me smile with out even trying. He makes my heart race when ever Ithink about him. He's my stars in the midnight sky. He complets me. We've been together for almost 2yrs. I hope our love never stops. I don't know what i'd do with him. He's the "one" I know it!
I love you, Babe!xoxo