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Shalom (Peace) to all readers! I am a wife and mother of 2 children; in addition to 3 Chorkies. I was raised Pentacost, followed the 7th Day Advent teaching from 18 til now. As of October 13th 2007, my family and I study and worship with Kol HaMashiach Messianic Congregation (http://www.kolhamashiach.org). Shalom v'brachot -- Peace and Blessings! Lesson on hadash yisra'el and why I chose the name: Hadash = Renewed:Two Greek words, neos and kainos, have been rendered as "new" in almost all translations. The latter's meaning differs from the former, and is derived from the verb kainoo, which means "to make new." The Hebrew equivalent of this verb is hadash, which means "to renew." For this reason we have rendered kainos as "fresh" or as "renewed" Yisra'el = The name means to strive, to overcome, then rule with El, given to Ya'aqob as a new name, when he strove, overcame with El(Ber.32:28). Only the overcomers are going to survive in the Great Distress of the end-time, and according to scripture, Yisra'el though they are to be tried and refined as silver and gold is refined, yet will be chosen again! (Yesh 14:1, Yesh 45:17, Yirm 30:11, Yirm 46:28, Yo'el 2:32, Yo'el 3:1, Amos 9:8, Mik 5:3-4, Zek 1:16-17,Zek 2:8-12,Zek 8:3-8, Zek 8:23, Zek 9:9, All of Zek 13 & 14, Rev 3:8-12, Rev 14:1-5, etc...) Whenever Elohim refers to Yisra'el in a positive way, it means true Yisra'el. In Rom 9:6 we read, "For they are not all Yisra'el who are of Yisra'el." Theologians speak of an Yisra'el within an Yisra'el, also called the "remnant." These are the Yisra'elites who believe and obey. These Yisra'elites are those who are Spiritual, saved, living righteous lives. There are many Yisra'elites who are carnal, who are not true Yisra'rlites. For instance, in Yirm 9:26 Yisra'el is strongly reproved because their hearts are not circumcised. Yet Scripture repeatedly speaks of "the remnant of Yisra'el" that shall return (turn back), "the remnant of Yisra'el" that shall be saved. True Yisra'el (the true Yehudim) are those whose hears are circumcised, who keep the Law! (Rom 2:25-29, Deb 10:12-16, Deb 30:6-8). And the truely born again gentiles are born again gentiles are grafted in among these Yisra'elites who are spiritual- those who no longer wish to sin, who no longer live according to the flesh (Rom chapters 6-8)........................................................