professional christian based educator for four years, private school teacher, four years of business training BA in business, four years of social psychology training, professional singer as nightlife, and currently online studies, my passion is learning, i grew up in church under strict discipline so all i know is how to be discipline, i have never done any type of drugs before, i dont smoke or drink, but however if one chooses to do these things its his own life and his own choice and whatever his beliefs are is no problem with me, i learned how to survive under extreme pressure i had my father die on me and at that time my child die in a car accident she was 21 years old , and a relative die in mlitary, life is full of problems however i learned to survive under extreme pressure and critical moments, however one must lean to love one self, i have helped friends and retired veterans police officer- clean up crime out of apartments of heavy crime - 2000 to better it for children at play , i have a passion for better lives for people and make a difference, fortune and fame i really dont care about i just want to live and be happy in everyday life, ms unish
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