Creating the unimaginable and making history. Writing poetry/short stories....Studying/reading/research/intense problem solving..etc
Myspace Codes:
I need no list...I would like 2 meet all the awesome people in existence present, past or future.....
Create your own visitor map!
Whatever makes me dance like a slow-motion monkey...or stomp my brains out!! Music is one of the most beautiful forms of expression whether trance or metal.
"The high expectations for existence has crumbled, progression has come to a halt. This world no longer marvels to explore, greed has plagued the minds of the masses.
All forms of blasphemies occur in the blink of an eye, brothers killing brothers, mothers selling daughters, giving to the rich and eradicating the poor.
Life is full of such sweet pleasures! Thinking is a smooth through four stops along the way."
All Nightmare on Elmstreet Films, Interview with a Vampire, House of 1000 Corpses, Devils Rejects, Party Monster, A bunch of Sci-Fi......Something inside of me is eating me alive, but I can't figure out what it is....The emotions I had once are fading away, fading away. The way I once saw you has changed, has changed...I can't figure out what it is eating me alive....Tears are of no use because crying is a weakness, weakness.
Stargate SG1, Star Trek NxG, Adult Swim:ATHF, Futurama, Family Guy, Morel Orel, Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha.
I really enjoyed reading Mike Resnik's "Santiago" and "The Return of Santiago" I loved Eragon and Eldest....yeah, uhm....
All the great people in the world who kindly lend a helping hand, always to anybody in need. I give much respect to those people. Much love.