I'm settled! Sort of... but it'll do for now! I'm employed and I met some cool people down here (which some people told me would be nearly impossible)! Now the search begins for a kick-ass place to live... There are a LOT of mobile homes so I hope to procure a double wide with a dipping pool out front (kids inflatable swimming pool)maybe with a three-legged dog already in residence.... OOORRRR....maybe a house near the beach....we'll see. I'm torn. Really. Yall come visit me!!! I know I owe some couch time to all my friends who loaned me their's this summer.... Love yall! Mean it...
Massive Myspace Layouts collection from Pyzam.com
Happy Earth Day http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...
Love it - Respect it!