Power of the ... CHASIN' (the root of ALL evil).....LegaliZE IT!!!
Traveling...a good fight (get that from my dad)...the Intelligence and Benevolence of the MIGHTY MIGHTY ...DanCing...feeling the
...Shark DiVing (haven't done it yet!)...SWIMMIN with
Snowboarding, B-Ball ...My Pitbulls and Pomeranians...HorseS.....Fuck kobe....much luv for D-WADE, ShaQuille and the
Raja Bell & Steve Nash!....F R E E Writing...Observing...Living...and Learning from the many mistakes I've made....just trying to BE.......EMPOWER...and always FIGHT for what I KNOW....ONE LOVE....many TIMES over....beautiFUL I C and overSTAND!
People all around the globe.....the world is my playground! the MINDS of DREAMERS, the SPIRIT of YOUTH, the WILL of SOLDIERS, the FEET of PHILOSOPHERS, the VOICES of REASON, the FISTS of REVOLUTIONARIES, and the HEARTS of LOVERS...... Bill Clinton, Bruce LEE, Saint Francis of Assisi, Zack de la Rocha, Prince Naseem Hamed (just cause I think he's SExxXY), Salvador Dali, George Bush, Eddie Griffin (#1 comedian!)
Goodfellas, Hero, LOST BOYS, 28 Days Later, DOMINO, TraFFic, BAD BOYS 2, Terminator 1, T2, Scarface, THE NOTEBOOK, Point Break, LORD OF WAR, Brotherhood of the Wolf (IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS MOVIE...GET TO IT!!!), Heat, YOUNG GUNS 1 & 2, Inside Man, Gladiator (CAN'T DENY MAXIMUS!), GLORY, Eddie Griffin's DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY, The Princess Bride, Dawn Of The Dead, WAY OF THE GUN, LA Confidential, titanic, DONNIE DARKO, Rumble Fish, KIDS, Natural Born Killers, The Professional, From Dusk Till Dawn, Invincible, Kalifornia, BOYZ In The Hood, The Big Lebowski, Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Blood In Blood Out, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Princess Mononoke, The Usual Suspects, Unfaithful, The Devil's Advocate, Garden State, Dances with Wolves, Commando, The Devil's Rejects, KILL BILL 1 & 2, True Romance, Underworld, City of God, Batman Begins, Snatch, Hotel Rwanda, Something about Mary, JAWS, Meet the Parents, Outsiders, Casino, The Long Riders, Locked Stocked and Two Smoking Barrels, Cabin Fever, Braveheart, Galaxy Quest, My Blue Heaven (Any Steve Martin Movies!!!), House of 1000 Corpses, Trains, Planes, and Automobiles, Derailed, Belly, Sin City, Empire Of The Sun, The Dark Crystal, Labryinth, Willow, Bounce, House of Flying Daggers, The Last Samuria, Resevoir Dogs, vampire movies, japanimation, and HORROR movies......
Entourage, The Wire, The Sopranos, House, WEEDZ, Sleeper Cell, Scrubs
Sun Tzu "The Art of War"
My DAD........In his will is my peace.