The Metro Orlando Film & Entertainment Commission, a division of the Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission (EDC), promotes film and digital media development and production in Central Florida while assisting in further developing the local production infrastructure.
The Film Commission provides the following services:
24-hour access to the Orlando
Filmbook at
one-stop permitting
for location filming
use of an extensive
digital location library...accessible anytime, from anywhere
preliminary scouting
and evaluation of locations, and familiarization tours
assistance with local
hotels and accommodations
support throughout entire
production schedule
The Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission (EDC) markets the Orlando region globally as a top location for business investment and expansion. Committed to diversification of the regions economic base, the EDC facilitates projects that enhance the regions corporate, technology, manufacturing, and film production industries. For more information, please visit
A not-for-profit, public-private partnership, the EDC serves Orange, Seminole, Lake and Osceola counties and the City of Orlando.
Metro Orlando
Film & Entertainment Commission
A Division of the Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission
301 E. Pine
Street, Ste. 900
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: 407.422.7159
Fax: 407.841.9069
[email protected]