Travel, music, reading, writing, dancing, foreign languages---rambling, out-doorsy things, people, socializing in general, food, jogging, sleeping, good conversations- I can't stress how much I love good conversations
It really doesn't matter, I kind of like everyone.
Everything. Euro pop (French/Italian pop especially), alternative, dance, trance, techno, 80s (I LOVE 80s), Spanish/Reggea/Salsa, classic rock, classical, jazz, musicals and yes, sometimes a little country! Hip-hop, disco- -I think I've said enough.
Butterfly Effect, Fight Club, Aladdin, Requiem for a Dream, Y Tu Mama Tambien or anything by Almodovar, Kill Bill and Tarantino movies in general, Johnny Stacchiano- Italian comedy, Forrest Gump and comedy in general.
So you think you can Dance (It turns out there is a reality TV show for me, who'd o' thunk it?!)
Angela's Ashes, Catch 22, The Awakening, Ulysses, God of Small Things, Como agua para chocolate, Cien años de soledad, Ethan Frome, Bridge to Terebethia, Slaughterhouse 5, Women in Love, The Giver