i likE thE tEam kiNgs aNd spuRS!! haNging oUt witH frieNDS. suRfing thE net.. chAttin.. aND laFin!! ahahahaha....... listEnin to cool mUsic.. mtv!!
meet?! uh.. peOplE!! duh!?!? hehe.. cooL aNd friEndLy peopLE!!
r&b.. hiphOp.. metalLic roCk.. seNti?!? puNk roCk aND mayBE altErnative roCk 2.. i duNNo.. aNything thats nice to liSten to..
comEdy aNd fuNny mOvies!! 2 fast 2 furious!!... tripLE X!! maNy moRE..
umumum... few!!it depEnds!! im nOt thAt iNteResTed in reAding stUffs..