Christianity, Weight lifting/Fitness, Rock climbing, Gymnastics, Photography, Hiking/Camping, Flyfishing, Reading, Movies, Cooking
Well, honestly I'd like to meet someone like myself. That sounds pretty egotistical, and I'll admit it is, and I am, but there it is.Oh, and a beautiful 20 something year-old solid reformed Christian girl would be nice as well, but I'm about as optimistic on that one as the above.
Counting Crows has been my favorite band for many years, but I've just recently been exposed to Jackie Greene and Brandi Carlile, both of whom are amazing. The albums American Myth and The Story have quickly become two of my favorites. The Coalmen are also a great band that I'm glad have finally been signed. Beauty is a Moment is definitely worth checking out.
I just watched the Planet Earth BBC DVDs. That's the most beautiful wildlife and landscapes I've ever seen. Definitely worth renting if you haven't seen it. As for movies, in no particular order: Pride and Prejudice (AE TV mini series is the best version, but the new one is pretty good, too), Lord or the Rings Trilogy, Star Wars Trilogy, Last Samurai, Emma, Underworld, Tombstone, Braveheart, Napolean Dynamite, Life is Beautiful, Roman Holiday, SNL: Best of Will Ferrell and Monty Python Search for the Holy Grail are my favorites for pure entertainment value. I've also enjoyed several of the recent documentaries that have come out; An Inconvenient Truth, Who Killed the Electric Car?, Why We Fight, March of the Penguins, Winged Migration Deep Blue and The Great Global Warming Swindle
My sister-in-law taped Lost for me, but that's the only thing I watched regularly. I enjoyed Arrested Development, 24 and The Office on DVD.
Bible, David Brainerd's biography, Pilgrim's Progress, Don't Waste Your Life, Reforming Marriage, Every Young Man's Battle are my favorite spiritual books, but I have several on my list to read that I haven't gotten to yet, all of which I imagine are excellent.Pride and Prejudice, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Louis L'Amour westerns, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Last American Man, and Clive Cussler novels are probably my favorite secular works, but there is a long list of classics I haven't read.
Spiderman has always kind of been my ideal hero. He's kind of a geek, but totally ripped and has incredible strength to weight ratio. And he's pretty moral and married to a total hottie. He pretty much has my fantasy life.