jones-holly-miss profile picture


you can't fool a delivery report...

About Me

accident prone...having clem as my friend makes me you tamara

My Interests, rufio the kitten, the congrachawelldone award, centre point, friends, lisa, sunday picnics in bed, drinking endless brews with lou, the 9a/20 murray/169 crew, boys, pineapple fun, meeting randoms, novelty mugs, lipbalm, nic being american, numbered lists, prawn pots, Kt living in london, nando's, rich's 'my germs' game, msn chats with sammy j, rising above it, the tube, sam gilk calling us his gang, car boot sales, wine, drunken phone love, amaretto, chicken nuggets and ships, spans beast of a computer, board game nights, my band, swimming in hampstead ponds, hawley days & nights, sam's princess bed, chicken cottage, inventing words, london, girlkickers, walking and talking, ginger haired boys, happy endings.

I'd like to meet:

sing me something new...


usually my profile song is significant...


My Blog

BrAce yOuRSElf..I'm aBoUT tO Get Emooos...

So yeah this is for my friends: You know how much i think of you all anyway, but I really couldn't of made it through the past year and all the shit without you all: Nic, Anna, Lou, Sam, Katie and Dai...
Posted by jones-holly-miss on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 02:34:00 PST

I LiKe ThIs...

Find your birthday and then find your tree. This is really cool and somewhat accurate, also in line with Celtic astrology... ME IM AN ELM TREE SO I HAVE GREAT STYLE HAH!!!Dec 23 to Jan 01 - Apple Tree...
Posted by jones-holly-miss on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 03:31:00 PST