This 5 piece metal/hardcore/rock band has had their ups and downs with finding the right pieces of the puzzle. It all began with 2 dudes with a shit load of chemistry that wrote a shit ton of riffs and songs. They spent the next 4 years going through over 35 musicians until they finally found the right group of guys. It took 4 years, 23 broken hearts, 48 drum sticks only 10 sets of guitar strings 2 sets of bass strings, sore throats and swollen vocal cords before they settlled with the guys they have now it has been a long long long road. The name Tomorrow we Die represents the way this band performs writes and obsorbes the energy given by others knowing that tomorrow they could die and that we better do this like its gonna be the last time. The name means so many things to this group. More then enough people have told them its 2 depressing or a downer name but these guys disagree and drive off that like a fuel to perform that much better, faster and harder always remambering that Tomorrow We Die-Write a hit album in 12 hour
-Drink 18 beer, 26er of 43% whiskey and a mickey of Jose Quervo
-Have sex without a condom with a different person every minute
-Fight 10 of the top MMA fighters in the world
-Kiss and hold all your family and friends
-Skydive with no shute
-Climb mount everest with no harness
-Call 1 900 numbers
-find and beat the bully from your childhood
-Drive 50k on the highway
-Donate your organs
-feed ur pets...
.................................FOR TOMORROW WE DIE..............................