Trauma Mike profile picture

Trauma Mike

I am here for Friends

About Me

Tattoo kisses every morning,tickling my Cocoa skinned beauty all the time.Missing her curls and songs and the way he pulled my tea ice cream compared to creamy coconut,devouring mission mangos and tangelos with amanda like little fruit bats.Lickingly long lashed butterfly flutters against high cheek boned red heads with robert smith hair.Dancing anytime anywhere with my bodacious beauties being teases.dressing up like mermaid pirates or ballerina faerie devils.skateboarding with reezy and with vince in the house trying not to break things with our tricks. Begging like a little girl to be taken out surfing.Loving the beach in my bikini,being an ocean vixen even if its snowing.Walking like a belly dancer, dancing all the time.Frustrating garret with my lack of drum skills but loving every second of drumming.Sparkles in my hair and on my cheeks.Luscious lip piercing dreams.Never having enough tattoos.Drawing when I should be reading.Sword fights with Korey.drawing on peoples arms and then helping them wash it off their faces the next morning.falling..... and then laughing!

My Interests

Skateboarding,Dancing,drumming,photography and Elliott...

I'd like to meet:

Andrew Reynolds


Radiohead,Nerve agents, bad religion,Death by Stereo, At the Drive in,The Mars Volta,Peaches,Soft Pink Truth,The Unicorns,50 cent,the yeah yeah yeahs,blondie,muse,modest mouse,Ross Parsons,Aphex Twin,Daft Punk,Blackalicious,Boy Sets Fire, The Cure,blonde redhead,Kid 606,Cex,ladytron,David Bowie,,Jimmi Hendrix,The Doors,The Ramones,pixies,the black heart procession,Thought Riot(my sisters band),hot pink mullets(my brothers band).... anything one can dance or sing to really.


Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Enter the Dragon,Bloodsport,Kill Bill,Edward Scissorhands,Hook,Mean Girls,Drop Dead Fred,Big Fish, Spirited Away,Swingers,Lost Boys,Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,Mulholland Drive,American Beauty, Momento,Sin City,I heart Huckabees.... Hmmm this could go on forever just like music


Nymph,Echo,Wasteland by Francesca Lia Block, Sante D' Orazio, Catcher in the Rye,a wrinkle in time,most photography books,I love magazines!Cosmo,Vogue,Rolling stone,Flaunt,Hobo,Thrasher...etc.



My Blog

Halloween Queen

yay.Glitter...everywhere,lots and lots of vibrant colors like neon lights,make up.mermaid starfish hair, shiny lickity lips.Pink devil horns,kitty ears, fins, fluttery wings of cuteness.Cowboy boots a...
Posted by Trauma Mike on Fri, 07 Oct 2005 11:59:00 PST