Skateboarding,Dancing,drumming,photography and Elliott...
Andrew Reynolds
Radiohead,Nerve agents, bad religion,Death by Stereo, At the Drive in,The Mars Volta,Peaches,Soft Pink Truth,The Unicorns,50 cent,the yeah yeah yeahs,blondie,muse,modest mouse,Ross Parsons,Aphex Twin,Daft Punk,Blackalicious,Boy Sets Fire, The Cure,blonde redhead,Kid 606,Cex,ladytron,David Bowie,,Jimmi Hendrix,The Doors,The Ramones,pixies,the black heart procession,Thought Riot(my sisters band),hot pink mullets(my brothers band).... anything one can dance or sing to really.
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Enter the Dragon,Bloodsport,Kill Bill,Edward Scissorhands,Hook,Mean Girls,Drop Dead Fred,Big Fish, Spirited Away,Swingers,Lost Boys,Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,Mulholland Drive,American Beauty, Momento,Sin City,I heart Huckabees.... Hmmm this could go on forever just like music
Nymph,Echo,Wasteland by Francesca Lia Block, Sante D' Orazio, Catcher in the Rye,a wrinkle in time,most photography books,I love magazines!Cosmo,Vogue,Rolling stone,Flaunt,Hobo,Thrasher...etc.