What is this all about then?
Read the blog entitled "Who Does What".
Firstly, you need to know that Rehab is not a business, its a hobby, based around the DIY punk ethos of "getting off your arse and doing it yourself to make positive changes for the benefit of your own scene". Don't let that fool you into thinking we don't take this seriously tho', you couldn't be more wrong on that score.
We book punk/metal/rock/ALTERNATIVE bands to play at The Swinging Sporran on Saturday Nights.
What we want are nights where everyone enjoys themselves, and when they leave, they want to come back for more, knowing that the effort has been made with this in mind.
Ok, the name, "Rehab"..this was a meeting of minds (Jen and myself, Donna [sistercrow]) in the streets of shame (well, a taxi back from Subside actually), as we needed something to call all this. Jen,who's role was "flyer warrior", no longer participates in this Rehab project due to time & family committments, she has been replaced by the awesome Jacko, himself a musician with the horrorpunk band, The Obnoxious UK.
Rehab is nowt to do with drugs or alcohol, its about recovering from a difficult time, coming thru it, and putting energies into something positive. That's what it means to me anyway.
You haven't lived till you've been thru' REHAB!