i'm a load mouth bitch well, that is untill you get to know me and then im just a bitch. Ok this is the real me. I love my family more than anything and that includes Jen and Ashley.I'm very proud to be a part of my dysfunctional family who could come up against anything and know life has been worse. They make life complete well for me anyway. My sisters Joelle and Bianca the 2 people in my life that know just how lucky we are to be who and were we are. My parents who are all of our rolemodels.
I love my ass its great thats a fact. I hate my boobs and I hope that some day a guy will make me feel comfortable with them and love me just the way i am. I love the color pink. I'm very intuitive when it comes to my close friends and family But mostly when it comes to my best friend Jen. I love to go out with the girls and act like a dumbass. laying in the sun, drinking captin and coke, playing the name game.
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