About Me
"It was whoever, No It was who the fuck ever"
"It was whoever, No it was who the fuck ever"
"It was whoever, No it was who the fuck ever"Dats a hiehnah in his head, I go vince a hiehnah so much. Im the nigga who was a little sillier, a little seal leer. I'm vanoppin of my t.p, I'm tahitie in my niece, thats vente-veset in my t.p. My t.p wep and I tankalank vente veswash in my tede. It taggit, taggit,tagechegalipa, tankhhheee he he he. Well, Im vanopin of my t.p, I move my booty fassy and ronchie like hoops, like shooooot, it hoooops! I move my booty two comole like shoot, it to comoload, I see what you doing. I see what you dooing, well, i'm phanopin fishboles open, I'm phonopin fishboles open, it on my post. I move my booty phassy and ronchi like shoot, it gasho in his fanny, its gasofaneti in phannnnie, its gasofanet in my phanny. Akila bit like piss, son, and all of a sudden it a big dumb ass girl. It why its like daut. That it was in his head, that it was in his house, that it was in his hassa. Thats the thief in me thrownin a flute, that its the theif in me thrownin a flute. It's Like diz, Make it sweet like perfume. That is so much, what it is so much, when, it is so much. It's what it was so much, it what that was so much, when that was so much, it what that was so much. Maybe dat isamush, def is a mute. Thats all pussy is, it's what pussy is, it whats pussy is, its what pusssssie is. It that's what pussy was when that what pussy was, its lets pour the rico, you wanna pour the rico, you want me to pour the rico mo? Achicomotico. Well, make it crack and my boo stannnnnnnk. Well, crack a nigga boo-boo den. Then, thats all throwing pussieee was? Thats pussy in my mouth and it got me lost for words, like jearp jearp. I letter like my lollipop. He was a little pussie about it. He was a little pussie, it, thats neat how i pool the hoes def like that. But that all pussy was, when that all pussy was, and that all pussy wassss. Thats all pussy wasss, thats all pussie was, thats all pussie wazzzzzzzz. Thats all that izzzzzzz man. I fold my weap on he ass, on her asp, on her azzzzzzzzz. I fard out my doo-doo thrifty, out thrifty. Say lil one.It was in his do-do, it was in his do-do as gacho in his fanny he was gasophanieit in his phanie. I fard my dooday out a little more thrifty. I fard my doo-doo in potato salad. My pussie sits in plumb, the plumb broke, the plumb broke in his head. I jigg and I ibb in my frank foot and igga pigfoot a pull a new series. Press, spray, Its chocka-lote in my doo-doo. It choclate in me doo-doo. Its not in my doo-doo, its not in my doo-doo, its not in my doo-doo so muchhhhh. I tour a new doo-doo so much. Its Wine whats the happs witcha does a killa come from a block of coke or what. Its you niggas must be def, cause akilla in my sister. A keylord bit like piss, Like fe, fe in the head or fist in the mouth. Thats hoehay, a hiehnah aint no good for the foot in the head, I could have sworn it was the foot in the head. It was the foot in the head. Ok I got your fanny on earrthhhh. Ummm, Im gnappin junior of jizuir, of slithery, no its of smithers, is his favorite cartoon. It smithers in his head, thats jue-jue that jue jueie, thats a straight shooter with mesun. It was come pissin me, Come pissssin me,so mushhy ushhy bears hate what that doooo. Its leave it cruddy like mustard. Who in the fuck can wire a ac-adapter, I promise this the last time the theft in me a throw, a bigger flute. Oh my god he's throwin a flute, a flue on earthhhhhh. Umm,I believe them people gelouse, I believe they put cement in me, hey momma hey momma I poppie so much. Im hot and custard, holdme. I curlin the leap, Right in his head. That it, Right in his head. You two in my leaf so much you two in my leaf so much so shawty I wanna fUUUUUUUUU. It leave it cruddy like mustard, haa ha make the fly girls farn on it,that corny.Dis big Dog ya heard me reppin the 912. You know every real nigga shit and piss wit beer battered coop. Gettin it like boston georgia. Fuck wit ya boy. Keep it pimpin and keep it tippin and if you aint doing either keep it fuckin moving. Woo, boy its something charlie on that wrenche.
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