Surfing, fishing when there's no waves or it's too cold to surf. Then scuba diving once in a great while (getting back into it) and I'll even skateboard every once in a while when coerced by my friends that are still into it. I have a condo near Cocoa Beach where I spend most of my time on the weekends.
Anyone interesting that is looking for friends.
Pretty wide spectrum of taste in music and different styles that I listen to. Live music is always great, reggae, jazz, blue grass, speed metal, punk, and of course the occasional club mix for old times sake.
Love a good gory horror move, action but no kung fu fake fighting movies, and of course some good comedy.
King of Queens, Sienfeld and Friends reruns.
Used to read a lot of Stephen King novels, dont have time to read much any more
Mark Foo (died what he loved doing), Laird Hamilton.