Dauragon C. Mikado is from Washington DC. Dauragon C. Mikado likes bass. Dauragon C. Mikado likes chips. Dauragon C. Mikado will hurt your face. Dauragon C. Mikado only does it for the bitches.
Dauragon C. Mikado can also be found on 8 Bit Collective , Last.FM , Virb and Facebook
NEW RELEASE: Re: Baggage
Five Songs. Raw. Unrefined. Imperfect. Baggage dropped off at the goodwill that is your ears. Out with the old, in with the new. (Higher quality Re-Release via bandcamp, with an extra track!)Download here
Track Listing
1. Blipdown
2. UpUpUpDownDownDown
3. T3h C@v3M0nst@
4. Setback
5. Voices
The debut album of Dauragon C. Mikado. 7 tracks of sweet sweet hippity hoppety blippity bloppety awesomepants!
Track listing
1. Unforgivable
2. l0wr!d!nz (Album Version)
3. High Definition
4. He Fights alone (because his allies have abandoned him)
5. noFriggentitle
6. Disconnected (Album Version)
7. Pixel Core
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License .
Teh Fans Say:
- Ed from Mediamuffin.com
"you kick so much ass!!!" - Kitty
"the world needs more blip-hop/gameboy booty bass" -Dot.AY
"I was making a banana pancake sandwich with sum gangsta azz blueberries and some ghetto aint ya momma sizzurp when I heard Unforgivable... Well needless to say that shyt made me burn my vittles and choke on one of dem gangsta azz blueberries... At that very moment as the meaning of life unfolded before my very ears your tune became it's theme song.... Thank you almight Dauragon I am forever in your debt... Well I'm in DEBT as well after buying that bridge from that nice fella in the clean seersucker suit but that's another story...." -LongAxe
- Sheryvia
"Dauragon is like the father I never had. It's nice to have something around to beat the shit out of me with it's awesome power. One time I was listening to BlipDown while masturbating to midget porn like I usually do on Sunday nights... well that shit not only knocked all the skin off my face but it also caused my apendix to explode... TWICE. I don't know how to spell apendix or apendice.. but I know it fucking exploded and I didn't give TWO SHITS. God Bless."-Andrew
BOOTY ROCKING BEATS...thanks to your music, i am able to score with chongas all the time.- Goatslacker
"Dauragon? Yeah, I've heard of that guy." -- James 'CalmDownKidder' Smith
Dauragon C. Mikado appreciates any donations that come his way:
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Contact Dauragon C. Mikado at dauragon (at) soundcollapse (dot) org