yes i'm tried of getting deleted, so who ever plays games with my page will have charges on them, and that ain't no joke. my name is william lamarr, i was a marine for 6 yrs, of my life and i was sniper, and i loved everything about. if you want to write me or leave a comment or a message you can. If you dont have an actual picture or a proper profile then please do not add me. if you like horses i do, add me and i will approve you and dogs lovers to, that love there pets. please if you don't have a real profile don't add me, because i don't want any virus, please and thank you. i'm not trying to be a bad guy, i'm a very sweet person and do have alot of feelings too. the one person no, i'm not married, if any one want's to talk to me leave a message on my page and i will read it and give you a message back. if any one wants to write me and send pictures and letters please do and i'll do the same back, 788 montana ave. kenmore, oh. 44314, and this is my cell number if anyone wants to call, 330-689-8754
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The Pacific Trailer #4 (HBO)