Rock, Metal, chicks, mini golf (hell yeah, a real mans sport!), chillin with my deralict friends, writing stuff, philosophizing, figuring out the meaning of life, midget tossing, psychology, and of course my hot Jeep.Awesome stuffMore Games at | Cool Generators
Basically anyone who has good taste.Oh and a woman who meets the following criteria: 1. Has at least half a brain 2. Is somewhat attractive 3. Is not a cheating whore 4. Does not like rap and/or country music 5. Is aware that there are indeed other people on this planet aside from herself.I know I'm really picky... the chances of finding a girl like that are like 1:1000000. Until I do find someone that meets my ridiculously unreasonable standards listed above, I'm quite satisfied being alone. Saves me time and money actually.I think I found someone who meets that criteria, so I can confirm there is at least 1 girl on the planet who is at my standard of awesomeness. Its funny because it's true.
Rob Zombie, The Offspring, ACDC, Ozzy, Blind Guardian, Motley Crue, old school Metallica, old school Greenday, Aerosmith, Guns N Roses, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Papa Roach, Dimmu Bogir, Kiss, Aerosmith, The Beatles, Def Leppard, Iron Maiden, Van Halen, Billy Idol, Mudvayne, Skinny Puppy, System of a Down, Pantera, Korn, Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, and many others.Cant forget to say that Trivium fucking sucks, seriously, I don’t think there’s the words in the English language to describe how much they disgrace the genre of metal. Seriously, they're like a splice between emo which is crap by default with a super condensed dose of horse shit. Their music is like “A Gunshot to the Head of the English Language.â€Don't talk, watch! Don't talk, watch! You came here. Watch it. Don't like it? Walk out. We still have all your fucking money.Do not nudge, kick or jiggle the seat in front of you. I'm sitting there! I am everywhere at once and I will cut you up.If you make out here, I will cut your lips and tongue from your head with a linoleum knife.Do not explain the plot. If you don't understand, then you should not be here. Your money is our money and we will spend it on drugs.Do not crinkle your food wrappers loudly. Be considerate to others, or I will bite your torso and give you a disease.Did you bring your baby? Babies don't watch this. Take the seed outside. Leave it in the streets. Run over it after the show.If I see you videotaping this movie, Satan will rain down your throat with hot acid and dissolve your testicles and turn your guts into snakes.This is copyrighted movie for Time Warner. If I find that you've sold it on eBay, I will break into your house and tear your wife in half.
Half Baked, Office Space, Old School, Scary Movie, Happy Gilmore, Team America, Tremors, The Goonies, Total Recall, Zoolander, Fight Club, Evil Dead: Army of Darkness Clerks 1 and 2, Borat, Tango and Cash, Judge Dread, The Terminator, From Dusk Til Dawn: Bordello of Blood, Gattaca, Space Balls, Death Sentence, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Sean of the Dead, 28 Days Later, again way too many to name. Mostly Zombie, horror, comedy, and crazy shit.mspobj type="application/x-mplayer2" classid="6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking, Pulp Fiction, Escape from NY/LA, Goodfellas, Carlitos Way, The Matador, Tango & Cash, Mad Max, holy crap too many to name off the top of my head.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, Sealab 2021, Robot Chicken, Da Ali G Show, Beavis and Butthead, Macgyver, CSI, Ren N Stimpy and of course just about anything Adult Swim.Tourettes Guy
Add to My Profile | More VideosR.I.P. Danny, you will be missed.
Who the hell reads anymore? Actually I have been lately, a sure sign of the apocalypse. Well there is 1 book worth reading... Aside from that, not much else worth my time.
Myself... hmmmm and Maddox, Sigmund Freud, and the 6 Million Paso Man, but mostly myself because I'm awesome like that. I am worth $2,047,570 on Gotta give Chuck Norris respect, hes awesome. "As a teen Chuck Norris impregnated every nun in a convent tucked away in the hills of Tuscany. Nine months later the nuns gave birth to the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the only undefeated and untied team in professional football history." Fuck the Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and all those other political parties. I'm a proud member of the Regressive Party! Learn more about the Regressive Party here: