remembering how simple life used to be
and crankin that rabbit.
There's a thin line between genius and insanity-
and I always get labelled as being
the crazy one
fuckin grant.
hard candy
jesus camp
requiem for a dream
drop dead gorgeous
american history x
reservoir dogs
running with scissors
fight club
girl, interrupted
the royal tenenbaums
house of d
bridge to terabithia
pan's labrynth
thank you for smoking
incubus alive at red rock
wet hot american summer
art school confidential
lost in translation
big fish
the squid and the whale
the L word
law and order:svu
masters of horror
this american life
invisible monsters
running with scissors
magical thinking
the secret lives of bees
she's come undone
the bell jar
ender's game
i never promised you a rose garden
ordinary people
the giver
gathering blue
flowers for algernon
lullabies for little criminals
fahrenheit 451
diary of adam and eve
different seasons
"Why is it you feel like a dope if you laugh alone, but that's usually how you end up crying? How is it you can keep mutating and still be the same deadly virus?" -Invisible Monsters
"Frex was the seventh son of a seventh son, and to add to that powerful equation he was descended from six ministers in a row. Whatever child of either (or any) sex could dare follow in so auspicious a line? Perhaps, thought Nanny, little green Elphaba chose her own sex, and her own color, and to hell with her parents." -Wicked
"...Our lives are more secret too. Humans shorten their lives by gossip. Speaking uses us up, speeds us up. Without prayer, the act of confession for merely existing, one might live forever and not know it." -Mirror, Mirror
"It meant that at certain times her vision reached only as far as the cover of her sarcophagus, that to herself, as to the dead, the world was the size of her own coffin." - I Never Promised You A Rose Garden
"I once had a patient who used to practice the most horrible tortures on himself, and when I asked him why he did such things, he said 'Why, before the world does them.'" - I Never Promised You A Rose Garden
"It's without a cause, you see, and that's what is so frightening." - I Never Promised You A Rose Garden
"Measure the hate you feel now, and the shame. That quantity is your capacity also to love and to feel joy and to have compassion." - I Never Promised You A Rose Garden
"You have no corner on suffering." - I Never Promised You A Rose Garden
"They had laughed when they read it and he laughs now, out loud. See? Haven't lost your sense of humor after all but your sense of identity is what seems to have been misplaced. No. Wrong. You don't lose what you never had." - Ordinary People
"A little advice, kiddo, about feeling. Don't think too much about it. And don't expect it to always tickle." - Ordinary People
"Why does he think of it as only his grief? Because damn it it is. His room no longer shared, his heard torn and slammed against this solid wall of it, this hell of indifference. It is. And there is no way to change it. That is the hell." - Ordinary People
"There are no secret passages to strength, no magic words. it is just something you know about yourself." - Ordinary People
"They say he knows better. It is how they punish you for failure here, and someone crying, crying 'Lord, what has he done? What has he done to himself?'" - Ordinary People
"Because it has always been easier to believe himself capable of evil than to accept evil in others." - Ordinary People
"People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown." -Survivor
"Six hundred and forty fish later, the only thing I know is everything you love will die. The first time you meet that someone special, you can count on them one day being dead and in the ground." -Survivor
"Not that I'm crazy or anything, I just want some proof that death isn't the end. Even if crazed zombies grabbed me in some dark hall one nigh, even if they tore me apart, at least that wouldn't be the absolute end. There would be some comfort in that." -Survivor
"The truth is you can be orphaned again and again and again. The truth is you will be." -Survivor
"THere's a terrible dark joy when the only person who knows all your secrets is finally dead. Your parents. Your doctor. Your therapist. Your caseworker. The sun's outside the bathroom window trying to show us we're all being stupid. All you have to do is look around." -Survivor
"And I can't stand the idea of being alone. I can't bear the thought of being free." -Survivor
"What people forget is a journey to nowhere starts with a single step, too." -Survivor
"Everybody thinks their whole life should be at least as much fun as masturbation." -Survivor
"The same way you might look at your lef cut off at the knee and not feel anything at first, maybe this is just shock. But I hope not. I don't want it to wear off. I pray not to feel anything ever again. Because if it wears off, this is all going to hurt so much. This is going to hurt for the rest of my life." -Survivor
"What you don't understand you can make mean anything." -Diary
"Maybe people have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love." -Diary
"Grace says, 'We all die.' She says, 'The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.'" -Diary
"There's nothing like a song of love to remind you how everything precious can slip from the hinges where you've hung it so careful." -The Secret Life of Bees
"'You know, some things don't matter that much, Lily. Like the color of a house. How big is that in the over all scheme of life? But lifting a person's, that matters. The whole problem with people is--' 'They don't know what matters and what doesn't?' 'No, Lilly, the problem is they know what matters, and they don't choose it."-The Secret Lives of Bees
"If I ever managed to get to heaven after everything I'd done, I hoped I would get just a few minutes for a private conference with God. I wanted to say, Look, I know you meant well creating the world and all, but how could you let it get away from you like this? How come you couldn't stick with your original idea of paradise? People's lives were a mess..."-The Secret Lives of Bees
"'I'll write this all down for you,' I said. 'I'll put it in a story.' I don't know if that's what he wanted to ask me, but it's something everybody wants-- for someone to see the hurt done to them and set it down like it matters."-The Secret Lives of Bees
"It is the peculiar nature of the world to go on spinning no matter what sort of heartbreak is happening." -The Secret Lives of Bees
"It washed over me for the first time in my life just how much importance the world has ascribed to skin pigment, how lately it seems that skin pigment was the sun and everything else in the universe was the orbiting planets." - The Secret Lives of Bees
"Perhaps it's impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be" -Ender's Game
"I think it's impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves." -Ender's Game
"Death angers loved ones because it makes them feel powerless." -She's Come Undone
"I think the secret is to just settle for the shape your life takes. Instead of, you know, always waiting and wishing for what might make you happy." -She's Come Undone
"I am afraid. Not of life, or death, or nothingness, but of wasting it as if I had never been." - Flowers For Algernon
"I don't want to know what lies beyond. Do I fear seeing God? Or seeing nothing?" - Flowers For Algernon
"I can't be a complete person unless I can understand myself." - Flowers For Algernon
"It's frightening to think that the same thing might be happening to me right now. For the first time, I'm afraid of the future." - Flowers For Algernon
"Intelligence without the ability to give and receive affection leads to metal and moral breakdown. And I say that the mind absorbed in and involved in itself as a self-centered end, to the exclusion of human relationships, can only lead to violence and pain." - Flowers For Algernon
"But still it's frightening to realize that my fate is in the hands of men who are not the giants I once thought them to be, men who don't know all the answers." - Flowers For Algernon
"So this is how a person can come to despise himself -- knowing he's doing the wrong thing and not being able to stop." - Flowers For Algernon
"And how foolish I was ever to have thought that these people were intellectual giants. They're people -- and afraid the rest of the world will find out." - Flowers For Algernon
"Now I understand one of the important reasons for going to college and getting an education is to learn that the things you've believed in all your life aren't true, and that nothing is what it appears to be." - Flowers For Algernon
"There are worse things you can do to the people you love than kill them. The regular way is just to watch the world do it." -Lullaby
"Here's Big Brother, singing and dancing, force-feeding you so your mind never gets hungry enough to think." -Lullaby
"Mona once said that stars are the best part of being alive. On the other side, where people go after they die, they can't see the stars." -Lullaby
"Think of deep outer space, the incredible cold and quiet. THe heaven where silence is reward enough." -Lullaby
"And maybe you don't go to hell for the things you do. Maybe you go to hell for the things you don't do." -Lullaby
"Do we have free will, or does God dictate and script everything we say and do and want? Do we have free will, or do the mass media and our culture control us, our desires and actions, from the moment we're born?" -Lullaby
"There is always the sound of children roller skating at the end of every record." -Lullabies for Little Criminals
"People give you a hard time about being a kid at twelve. They don't want to give you Halloween candy anymore. They say things like, 'If this were the Middle Ages, you'd be married and you'd own a farm with about a million chickens on it.' They are trying to kick you out of childhood." -Lullabies for Little Criminals
"As a kid, you have nothing to do with the way the world is run; you just have to hurry to catch up with it." -Lullabies for Little Criminals
"There is a way that you could sleep properly when a house has been straightened up, when all the Ranger Ricks are put up on the shelf and the toys are put in the plastic box and tommorrow's clothes are laid out neatly on a chair. But then again, when everything is left out all over the floor and the dishes are still in the sink, there is a way that you can dream." -Lullabies for Little Criminals
"If you want to get a child to love you, then you should go and hide in the closet for three or four hours. THey get down on their knees and pray for your return. That child will turn you into God. Lonely children probably wrote the Bible." -Lullabies for Little Criminals
"Childhood is the most valuable thing that's taken away from you in life, if you think about it." -Lullabies for Little Criminals
"A lot of kids get the privilege of looking at themselves through their mothers' eyes. I could only see myself through my own eyes, and sometimes I could barely stand to look." -Lullabies for Little Criminals
"And apparently, when you have no future, there is really no such thing as time anyway." -Lullabies for Little Criminals
"Lots of times when children draw a person on a blank piece of paper, they don't draw any background at all, just a person standing there without any context. That was me." -Lullabies for Little Criminals
"Xavier wasn't put on earth to witness the bad things like Jules and I were. He had been put here to notice lovely things, things that God had created and no one had any complaints about. Leaves turning red in autumn, how when the tide goes out, the shells are left on the shore. I was put here--Jules and I were both put here--to see the sadder things. We had to stand in the rainand explain why the world was a lovely place." -Lullabies for Little Criminals
"From the way that people have always talked about your heart being broken, it sort of seemes to be a one-time thing. Mine seemed to break all the time." -Lullabies for Little Criminals