Paintball Survey
Do you prefer woodsball or speedball Speedball
Do you prefer NPPL/PSP or Xball NPPL/PSP
Which is your favorite team(s) dynasty i guess
Who is your favorite player(s) ollie broke my heart
Which Timmy's milling looks the best dunno theres 2 damn many thats nice
What gun do you currently own DM4
What gun do you wish to own DM6
Are you on a team or a free agent Team Outbreak
Favorite/assigned spot to play Front
What mask do you own JT
What color is your equipment All Diff colors but mostly black/red
How many times have you been bunkered alot
How many times have you bunkered someone else alot
How many welts never went away 1
Favorite color paint orange
Times you have been shot in the nuts once or twice
Times you have slipped and busted your ass on the indoor concrete floor never
Favorite song to listen to while playing Flypside_Someday
Which company makes the best looking gear dye
Fastest time to the 50 dunno
When you get shot what hurts more, the welt or your ego Ego
First place you got shot back
Worst place you got shot side from point blank
Name of your home field Rocky Mount Paintball Complex
Which players segment in Cereal Killerz did you like the best ollie
Have you ever been to a NPPL/PSP/Xball nope
Ever played pro nope
Team you would want to play pro for dunno
Get Your Own Voice Player Manage
any thing
Take the quiz:
Wut Kind Of Drink Are You
PARTY ANIMAL!!! you love to have fun and lots of it, thats why vodka fits you the best
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
espn texas hold em,mtv,cmt,any thing
dont like books but i read a few mags: Faceful, pb2xtremes, action pursuit games
All of my Brothers and Sisters in arms fightn over seas and at home