Myspace Layouts at / Audrey hepburn
Myspace Layouts at / Audrey hepburn
Tivo, my nieces, my brothers, MY SISTER (not really, she felt left out), guitar hero, singstar
Tiger Woods and John Prine
My favorite is John Prine, but I like just about everything
Breakin' and Breakin' 2:Electric Boogaloo. Ninja turtles one and two, Pulp Fiction, Maximum Overdrive (Joe got it for me for Christmas, cha ching!!!!)
I Tivo Saved By the Bell everyday. I also watch Law and Order: SVU, Days of our lives (It's an addiction),Mythbusters, Monk, Sex and the City
Janet Evanovich and Ragsale by Artie Ann Bates, because I'm in it!!