Kewsound profile picture


About Me

Kewsound is a recording and rehearsal studio based in the village of Kewstoke just outside of Weston Super Mare. The studio consists of two visually interlinked live rooms used for rehearsal and recording, and a separate control room. Both lives rooms contain powerful PA systems and excellent acoustics for rehearsal and recording activities. Recording is facillitated through a Digidesign Pro Tools system.

My Interests


Member Since: 07/11/2007
Band Website:
Sounds Like: Pure recording bliss!
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Hello myspace!

So I thought i would give this myspace thing a go and see how I get on. I have uploaded some pics and some music i have worked on in the studio will hopefully follow soon. Let me know what you th...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 07:50:00 GMT