About The Bad Kitty-Catoure Brand
Bad Kitty! Catoure offers Crazy Cute Accoutrement for the finicky feline.
The BKC brand embodies the spirit of the curious cat. Though we don’t consider cats “bad†but rather, acting instinctually - the same can be said about L'esprit de Kat. Thank Heavens they are gifted with 9 Lives!
Youthful and friendly, curious and compelling, and characterized by a charming spunky style, BKC wearers are sure to find themselves as the center of attention.
The BKC Identity is playful and fun, and whether you’re a Bad Kitty, a Hell-Kat, or a Glamour Puss ~ BKC offers fashions and designs appropriate for all walks of life (including animals!) and is especially adored by: Emo, Goth, Rock, Lolita, Glam, Himegyaru, Hime, Ganguro, Yamanba/Yamamba, B-Gyaru, Banba/Bamba, Baika, Bozosoku, Cocogyaru, Ganjiro, Shiroi-Gyaru, Kogyaru, Kogal, Mago-Gal, Manba/Mamba, Romanba/Romamba, Sentaa and any discriminating diva looking for Couture Catoure.
Cat-oure (kat -tür') n. A term coined by Bad Kitty Accoutrement, often imitated, describes a fashion or designer that creates exclusive and trend setting fashions.
The spelling and pronunciation is a play on the French word "Couture", which translates literally to "sewing". Catoure describes the exclusivity of BKC and combines it with feline characteristics.
After you receive your Bad Kitty Catoure Design, make sure you take a picture donning it, and send it to us! We will put your photo in our model gallery!
The Bad Kitty! Catoure Brand has extended to mens and boys playwear with the introduction of Hell-Kat!
He's a rough-and-tumble character with a curious spirit and rebellious demeanor, and intends to use all 9 Lives to the fullest! Check him out!
Bad Kitty-Catoure Online Shoppe!
Bad Kitty Catoure! is inspired by the creator's real-life cat, Gypsy Junebug.
She is now 13 years old (64 in Human Years!) and her appearance helped to develop the BK caricatures. With her curled ear, petite face, and one white whisker, she's the face behind the fashion.
We love you, G!