Hey Everyone,
We just wanted to thank everyone for the support you have all given us. We have very much enjoyed making music for all of you. For the future, it looks unclear. As of now, the band is not officially together, but that doesn't mean the end. We would love to do a couple more shows sometime in the future, just because we all love making music together. Here's an update on some of what is going on with the members of FOFS.
Currently, Brandon and Caleb are still down in California. Brandon is studying music at Azusa Pacific University, while Caleb is right next door at Citrus College taking part in the recording technology program. Both of them are very busy playing gigs with friends and other oppurtunities.
Joel and Danny have started up another project with a good friend Andrew Quackenbush. They are called symmetry/symmetry and have been playing a few shows around the Salem area. It would behoove you to check out there myspace, they have quite an awesome thing going on.
Brock is currently managing Zumies at the woodburn outlet mall and going to school up in Portland.
Other interesting info:
We did get the recording back of Dutch Army. The only things is that it must be mixed. I, Caleb, am trying to find some spare time to do that, but we would love to put it up for people to listen to as soon as it is done. I am going to try to release it as a single on iTunes, I think that would be pretty cool.
Anyway, thanks again for all the support. Our CD's are still for sale at CDBaby.com and on iTunes if you are interested. We love you all and we greatly miss playing shows, that is why we will do it again in some way, shape, or form in the future. Goodbye earthlings . . .
You can now buy the Fear of Falling Stars album on iTunes!