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About Me

W4W S4S no limit♥
To every new beginning there was a beginning that ended.
But im lost so lost,im lost without you.
My obession is sharks,i wouldnt mind being a marine biologist(:
Mira/is a princess
I'm miranda or mira (my-ra).Eighteen years old.Writer.Web/Graphic designer.Business/Web Technology.I'm a dreamer,i believe in the impossible and hope to someday make it possible.I'm in a realtionship with a amazing guy named erik who i love to death.I'm currently enrolled in cleveland community college i'll be there for sometime.I will be moving to portland oregon with my best friend ashley in the next year im excited about that.80's metal and power ballads make me happy,i love all types of music mainly death/black metal/deathcore and acoustic music.I write all my thoughts down onto paper and turn them into a song.I'm a very sappy person i tend to quote love songs alot.I write my own music and poetry.I have alot of deep thoughts i speak them some understand them others dont.I cannot stand for people who speak "slang",i can be a huge hyprocrite.I love manga and japanese kawaii.My mother,father and brother are my life.Over the years i've changed because of my past and i've learned from my mistakes.I'm very kind-hearted i love animals.I'm very sensitive things get to me easily.I smoke like a train,I drink occasionally.I'm unique and different than most people but "most" people say that.I dont belong to any "conformed" religion i believe in god he has helped me overcome obstacles that have been put in my way.I love anime and japanese kawaii.I work out every single day im pretty much obessed with it.My favorite movies are twilight,Jaws and tombstone.My thoughts on alot of people have changed over the years i dont trust many people my only true friend is ashley.I know what i want out of life and i tend to get it.My biggest fear is being alone,my biggest weakness is not letting go of my past and people in it. Anyone can talk to me i will talk back;but dont flirt with me it tends to get on my nerves.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

myspace top menu navbar change link color (text and arrows)End Code to color links in top menu myspace top menu navbar change color of link arrowsEnd Code to color link arrows in top menu

My Blog

Sleep comes hard for me because when i dream;It's of you.

All i ever dreamed of was to be part of you heart.And for us to be together and never part.No one else could ever compare to you.You're perfect and so is everything we share.We have so much more than ...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Apr 2009 23:00:00 GMT


When memories fadeThey change foreverMy passion is not for you,but for who i am when im with you.That will never fadeAnd my heart will always beat to the same song as yoursBecause of you,my dream beca...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 20:58:00 GMT

Obscure Love♥

Love,happyier than ive ever been.And its taking over me,i cant fall asleep at night i cant sleep at all sometimes because all i think about is you.You make me feel different inside,and ive never felt ...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Apr 2009 17:39:00 GMT