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What Johnny the Homicidal Maniac character are you?
You're Nailbunny! You are the voice of reason. Unfortunately for you, you're just a hallucination.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodePlease excuse all these damned type-os that will accur. Well, My name is Bethany, but I go by Shadow. No one really knows why but I think its because I Show up out of no where and can follow people without being noticed... But anyways... I hang in the Goth clique but I dont like lables to much. So I am just me no matter what everyone else thinks... Some people think Im a Dike, some think Im a poser, some even think Im kidding my self and am really a redneck in hiding... Which I never understood. I am a Original born and raized Floridian Cracker. I drive my dads Truck till my car is fixed. I have a Black Kitten Named Romeo, Because you cant help but Love him. I am Wiccan, though some times I feel like I am Athiest. Well thats pretty much all I can think of. If you have any other questions about me. Please Just Email me! [email protected]