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I love the Lord my God with all my heart, because He is the ONE who never left me through all of life turmoils. God is the ONE who gave me my beautiful children and grandchildren, and who keeps us safe, and provides for us, and the ONE who gives all of us (and you) the air we breathe)And He has a plan for all of our lives-Jeremiah 29:11 I love all kinds of arts and crafts, and always love to meet new artsy crafty friends I love to read also, theres always so much more to learn I'm still learning about web design, so my "space" is an on-going project, my wonderful kids are the ones that help me with computer stuff :), I love log homes, Tree houses, hope to one day own a log home, i love rustic fruniture, and beach houses.....blah, blah :)href="" If you love sewing like I do check out
I love Gospel music, Christian music, Carly Simon, Carol King, i'm really getting an new interest in celtic music also, Enya
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The Bible (Gods Word), first & foremost, Think & grow rich -Napolean Hill,How to win friends & Influence people,Courage by Rosand, How to use your brain, Your Maximum Mind, Power for Living by Jamie Buckingham,A Gift of the Sea/Anne Morrow Lindberg, What happens when we pray-Evelyn Christenson, Turning your stress to strength-Robert Schuller, Prayer is invading the impossible-Jack Hayford, Solo parenting-Kathleen McCoy, More than Coping-Elizabeth Skoglund, The Pursuit of God-A. W. Tozer, The Road less Traveled-M. Scott Peck, M. D., You'll see it when you beleive it-Dr. Wayne Dyer, Meeting God at every turn-Catherine Marshall, Becoming a Woman of Purpose-Cynthia Heald, Thoughts to live by-axwell Maltz, M. D., God works the night shift-Ron Mehl, Becoming a wild, wonderful woman for God-Becky Tirabassi, The Secret Kingdom-Pat Robertson, Gifted Hands-Ben Carson, M. D.
My heroes are my children=Cybee, Honolulu Jasmine, Aleesh, Lyddstar, & MauiMicah, and my beautiful grandchildren=Kekoa Mikaele Souza, Julian Toshio Nakashima, and Amaya Nevaeh Durham ;), and my wonderful new husband William Alapai Dickson II-my partner for life, he has been a Green Beret, paratrooper in the army, a solo Bike Motorcycle cop, and Vice,a prison gueard, and a singer of gospel, hawaiian, and oldies songs our lives were joined together by God, our love story a miracle in itself