Nalgas De Dulce profile picture

Nalgas De Dulce

I Love to Love you!

About Me

come & play!
.. i AM a 4tH yeaR graduating student at UC Davis who is ouTgoIng, oPeN-miNdEd, deTerMinEd, goAL-OrIeNTeD, suCeSSfUL, uNiQuE, SeNsuAL, funNY, cArINg, craZy, hOpEfuL, gIViNG, raDiaNt, inDePeNdeNT, down to drink any day of the week, bitchY aT tIMeS, oPtiMiStIC, stubBorn, faMiLy oRieNTeD, LaID baCK lOViN gUrl whO knOWs How To speaK heR miND. i LoVE mEeTin NeW peOple whO LoVE haVing fUn & aRe DoWn fOR raNdoM MoMeNTs.
My dReAmS: GrAduATe fRom GraDuATE scHOOL, GeT maRriEd & haVE a bUNch oF liL bOoGerS! & travel all over the world!
MY weaKneSsES: chOcOlaTE deSsErTs, tHE cHanGEs FaLL & sPrINg BRinGS, pueRto RicaN meN, GeNtLeMeN, earRinGs, hEELs, tINkeRbELL, pOp-RocKS, flOweRs (eSpeCiALLy caLLa LILLieS), DanCiNG, nice hAiR, Children~~BaYBeEs, caFfEiNE, "goOd" muSiC, BubBLeS, mEn'S ScEnTs, kISsinG, SuNsET/SunRiSe, pHOtOgraPhY, CereAL, MovieS, LaUghinG,beer, goOd & mOTiVaTiNG LiFE quOteS,lOve,& LiFE...
...I aM alSo a ProuD sIStER oF SIGMA PI ALPHA SORORITY!!!!!! wE aRE aLsO knoWn As ELLAS..i aM vERy haPPy To haVE siSTeRs lIkE thESE gIRls! thEY are a hUGE paRt Of MY LifE!I LOVe U siSTeRs..SiGMa U kNoW.."MUJERES CON CULTURA, FUERZA, Y HERMANDAD
.:.*~mY qUOteS~*.:. "2 thA woRLD U mAY b 1 PerSon bUT 2 1 pERsoN u mAY b ThE woRlD"
"lOve lIFe cauSe u NeVEr KNoW wHen itS goNnA eND"
"dO sOMetHIn CraZy d=o)~ U lIve OnLY oNCe"
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My Interests

FlORiDA fuN! I wiLL neVER foRgeT thiS triP! lOVE u giRls!
Work Hard & Play Harder!

SummER fUN! Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

whaT I lIke TO dO... watch my fav. shows, wiSh on staRs**, SmIlE n makE otHeRs smiLe, Buy shOeS & unDieS =) , eat, laUgH, TryINg NEw thINgS, eaTinG @ RaNdOM HolE iN the waLL plaCeS, LeaRninG nEw thINgs, play SoftbaLL, BuNGeE JuMpIng, Taking RaNdoM roAd tRipS, getTinG masSaGeS, SnoRkeLinG, PaRsaILinG, DANCE to all Sorts of music,yOgA, taLK to PeoPLe whO KNow morE than ME, dRink beEr,CaMpInG, FishINg, do THE cOLLege paRty ScEnE, sleep, Party with my sisters & friends, hoOkA baRS, jUSt b ME

I'd like to meet:

eDucAtEd,PoSiTive,pEople..wiTH OpeN mINds &
wiTH a SenSe oF HUmOR!
i wAnT to haVE angEliNA jOlIE,
JaY hERnaNdeZ,ADrIaNa LiMA,LL coOl j
oR oScaR dE lA hOyA

I wiSh I lOoKeD likE thEM! =0)

i ♥ my family/sisters/friends!

My other half!

Friends since age 3

My Secret Lover, Sprite, & Mini 6


Marina ♥ Valentina ♥


Martita & Kai

Dr. Flowie

My Love



LiL Rat

Mr. Villanueva


Big 6

LiL 6

( Y ) DoubleBubble


My Boo

Ms. Chocolate

My Humpers

( o )( o ) Boobies



Partner in Crime




My Favorite

See the rest!
LoOK iF uR a chIsMso!


RoCk En eSpaNOL..rAp..
reGgAetoN....ReGGaE (BOB iS mY hOmEboY!)
PiNK flOyD...ThE doORs....
PiTbULL..LiL KiM..
i LiKE whA eVeR i Can ShAke My BOOtY 2..
iF i feEl the beaT thEM iM aLL oVEr IT....


GiRL INtuRruPtED, ViRgiN suIciDEs, FuLL meTAL jaCKeT..SErEnDipTy
vAniLLa SkY...
DiRtY DaNcIN & hAVAna NiGHtS (DiRty DaNcI 2)
LIL MerMaId.
aLL thE frIdaYS..
aLL aMEriCan pIeS...
ChIlDs plAY..
gOod fELLaZ...
WiLd thINgs..
reaL woMEn haVe CurVeS..
crUeL intEntiONs..
aLL thE aNgElIna jOlIe mOviES (caUSe shEs hoT)..
FooLS ruSh in..
Love StiNks..
FinDin NeMo...
ShReK II..


DeSpeRaTE HousEWivES
GiaNts oR yaNkeEs gaMEs
.. SeX & thE cITy...
"chaRoLetTe yOU neEd TO takE thaT sTick out Of uR aSs
aNd pUT a diCk in uR coOchIE" ~~ saManThA


"MY LiFE sTORy BoOk" iS thE beST! I waS MEant To Be a "6" i LoVE my RIDE oR dIE... mY HumperS..paRt oF thE whOre crEW


mY moMmY iS My hEReO. I lOVe U So Much moM! THanKS foR eVerYthiNG!!! COLLeGE haS chaNGed My LifE in so maNY waYs..I thINk baCk to thE peoPLe I kNew...pEOpLe I lOVED..PeOplE I diSlIke..PeOplE I haVE meT & peoPLe whO I raNdoMlY ruN inTo.. & i reALizEd thEY haVE aLL iMpaCtEd My LifE in maNy waYs... THANKS =0) ....

My Blog


From the moment we wake up in the morning till our heads hit the pillow at nightOur lives are filled with questionsMost are easily answered and soon forgottenBut some questions are much harder to askb...
Posted by Como Una Sirena on Mon, 14 May 2007 02:22:00 PST


Passion, it's a feeling so potent,we still remember it long after it's faded awayA drive so alluring it could push us into the arms of unexpected loversA sensation so overwhelmingit can knock down wal...
Posted by Como Una Sirena on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 07:02:00 PST

What I would give...

to have my summer groupies back! i truely miss all you girls! all the crazy memories:strippershot tubs drugs & alcohol parties rail road tracks Ling Lings Hook-ups break ins Rocks through windows...
Posted by Como Una Sirena on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:21:00 PST


Yesterday @ 6:58pm I was blessed with a nephew by the name of Kai Josiah Flores-Trihn.He was 20 1/2 inches weighing 7lbs and 4oz.Kai is the most beautiful thing in this world! Thank you to all my sist...
Posted by Como Una Sirena on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 06:45:00 PST


Sometimes I sit and think how life and love can be so amazing but yet so cruel.  Throughout life you come across many different types of relationships that benefit and sometimes hurt you.  I...
Posted by Como Una Sirena on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 11:05:00 PST