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Bombing the building started the second half of 2007 with the idea to help out some bands of friends: all small, fresh, upcoming bands who have shitloads of potention but lack status because of their still short existence. Some of these already damn expierenced for their age.
Because it's a tough process climbing the ladder of succes BtB wanted to help out and promote, but due to lack of time (mainly because of school) BtB has only been able to arrange 1 show in 2007, which actually was arranged before the actual birth of BtB. For about half a year hardly anything happened due to, still, lack of time.
But now recently BtB is trying to get back on track hoping to arrange some damn nice shows in the Nijmegen/Arnhem area and further!
Bombing the Building is at this point still a one-man initiative, the guy behind it: Toon, bassist of Damn Noisy Kids. I hope to get more people to help me out in the future, but for now I'll try to do things on my own.
Check out these orginizations, because they just rock and work for a damn good cause!