My hobbies include (but are not limited to) obsessing over a certain Scandinavian hunk of burning love, hating everyone and everything (except said Scandinavian hunk), feeling sorry for myself, plotting my demise (and most likely your own), fearing for the best & hoping for the worst, feeling homesick for a place I've yet to find, laughing at the expense of others, babbling in foreign languages to confuse people, mailing letters to ghost towns, blocking out uncomfortable memories, pretending to be normal when in public, & creating new identities for myself on a daily basis.
My arms are wide open
So drown me with your love
That crazy casbah jive
Love Metal
New wave
Dumb fun pop-punk (to a certain degree)
Traditional Irish music
Rap & hip-hop
Anything to do with pan flutes
Death polka
Anything depressing
Anything that makes me want to shake my ass and/or head bang uncontrollably
My favorite part of any movie ever is in Ed Wood when he calls up Vampira to ask her out on a date and she says, "I thought you were gay", to which Eddie replies giddily, "Nope, just a transvestite!".
The Soup
The Kids in the Hall
The Office
Spongebob Squarepants
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Drake & Josh
The X-Files
Keeping Up Appearances
Are You Being Served?
Anything funny/deranged
Favorite book:
Catcher in the Rye
Favorite author:
Favorite poet:
Just finished:
As Simple As Snow
Just started:
It's Kind of a Funny Story
All of my heroes have FBI files.