-open minded people
-art(yours or mine)
-video games
-hot stuff in cold weather
-cold stuff in hot weather
-philosophical anthropology
-observing and thinking of the different possibilities thereof whatever subject i'm observing. i DON'T observe and judge as if true on a subject without asking him/her or researching it(if i do/did this, let me know)
-foreign films
-tranquil, romantic, or beautiful scenery and environments
-different worlds
People that aren't jerks.
I don't like elitists and their typical psychological dynamics which are very common and primitive. Elitists are extremely annoying.
Uhh... I hate provocative bigots.
Close-minded people suck big time.
Yeah... Humans are totally awesome.
I'd like to meet friendly beings like these two.
- send comments here
The ones in bold are my favorites.
-folk metal(mainly from Scandinavia)
-political punk
-viking metal
-some reggae
-black metal
-video game music
-Swedish crust
-Swedish hardcore
-political hip-hop
-old school hip-hop
-death metal
-some fastcore
-metallic crust
-relaxing music
-some gore-grind
-drum & bass
-stoner metal
-J-pop(if it has super cute vocals)
Zeitgeist - The Movie, Life Aquatic, Munich, Hotel Rwanda, Dead Leaves, Count of Monte Cristo, To End All Wars, and more...
Veggie Lovers Cookbook