Willliam Jenks: Founder and Owner of Portland Classic GuitarHolds Lessons-Performance and Event Venue-Home of Portland Classic Guitar Concert Series-Great Acoustics-Lessons by the best in the business!We are concert venue with great Acoustics! Portland Classic Guitar holds up to 200 people. It is a perfect place for a intimate concert.We teach guitar lessons all styles and all levels. We also have Voice. Piano as well as guitar. We have professional guitarist in all styles of guitar, classical, folk, bluegrass, pop/rock, electric, flamenco. We work well with musians in performance and composing.We sell fine hand made guitars made from the best!
We are well know for our concert series- Bring Guitarist here from all over the world. Including this year- Grammy Award Winner- David Russell!Web site is www.portlandclassicguitar.com1.Rent our venue.
2.Take Guitar-Voice- Piano Lessons All styles all levels.
3.Home of Portland Classic Guitar concert Series.
4.Sell Fine handmade guitars- and acessories!flashvars="userID=276799193&bgColor=10079487&
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