About Me
..~~~ I'm married, I have been married for 2 lifetimes (as my daughter refers to it) I have four Children. Three daughters ( Brandy, Jessica and Monica ) and one son ( Jorge ). I have Five granddaughters, Angelina will be 12 years old January 9th. Isabella is 4 years old. Liliana Just turned 2. Our grandson, Julyen will be 3 on January 26th. Sophya just turned 1 yrs old in December, and Lastly, Vanesa was born on New Years Eve.I have a sick and twisted sense of humor. I just like hanging out with my friends and having a good time. I am a GREAT, TERRIFIC, FANTASTIC cook, but I'm getting pretty tired of it.What can I say about my family ? Let me see if I can do a really fast rundown on them. I have two children that I think are "Off Their Fucken Rocker" ~ They seem to have a language of their own. They can finish off each others sentences. They can say one word to each other and start laughing right away.... Right Jessica and Jorge ? Another daughter needs to quit acting like she's such a prude. YES, your parents do have sex.... get over it ! - Brandy, do you remember this ...."Can you grab the windex and wipe dad's ass print off the front window of my car"? and lastly one needs to quit acting like such a drama queen when she gets mad. Do you agree Monica ? ............ You can probably tell that we have a "Love / Hate " relationship. They love me and I hate them ! - Just kidding ! if you don't know me, you should know that I am always having fun. Either getting on peoples ass by messing with them. It's always fun until someone gets their eye poked out.I know I don't say it as often as I should, but all my kiddies know I love them so very much sometimes it feels like they take advantage of it. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~DIE HARD CHARGER FAN ~ HOW'S THIS FOR DEVOTION ?THIS IS MY GRANDDAUGHTER, ANGELINA ~ SHE IS A JUNIOR CHARGER GIRL CHEERLEADER !~ ~ ~ ~ MY GRANDDAUGHTER, ISABELLA ~ CHECK OUT HER HAIR !
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