anime, animals, japanese culture, japanese food, mmm sushi, theology, BDSM, hot asian girls, other hot girls, Yaoi, yuri, Shonen Ai, Manga, B-budget horror flicks, good horror flicks, cult classics, jpop, jrock, hanging out with friends, GL fashion, cats, a good snuff film, frogs, spontaneous bad dancing, sex, meeting new people, billiards, bars, computers, RPGs, katamari damacy, stealing the covers, dancing in my bedroom, an occasional day in bed for no reason at all, swings, kissing for hours,dorking out, late night delerium and pinky st.yea, that's a good start.
others who appreciate the simpler things in life.enjoy my MeezAnd my gaia Avis
yay for audio pollution.
those pictures that move about. yea. i like those.
it's a box with talking people in it.
books are tasty.