Marina Kiskinova was born in Bulgaria, Sofia on 5.02.1992. Since the year 2004 Marina is a student in the National Music School “Liubomir Pipkov†specializing with a Clarinet. Marina devoted herself to music six years ago. All of Marina’s songs were written specially for her from professional composers. Her songs are broadcasted by different radio and television channels in Bulgaria. In 2001 her progress continued with the fourth prize in a contest in Finland. The same year she won Grand-Prize in the International Music Festival River notes in Bulgaria and also First prize in an International Music Festival in Albena, Bulgaria. She is a member of the International child jury for the International Art Festival (Slavic Bazar) – Vitebsk, Belarus Second prize – Festival “Golden Fishâ€- Bulgaria, Varna’ 2003 Exclusive guest - Festival “SUNFLOWERâ€- Serbia’ 2003 International Festival GOLDEN STAR – Romania’ 2004 In 2005 INTERNATIONAL NILE SONG FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN- CAIRO In 2005 - First prize – Competition “Sarandef†– Bulgaria, Dobrich In 2005 - Grand prize - Prize of the Public Bаlkan Youth Festival, Bulgaria, Sandansky’2005.
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