Music...., music is my life! umm actually it really isnt BUT i do listen to music pretty much 90% of my life! it sets the mood of life! ahhh no it actually doesnt so no! umm i like sports ecspeicially athletics because well i dunno! and tennis!! ahhh i love sports! -x
chavs:) and then kill them all oh and also emo's because i love emo's 3 oh and also u!!!
basically im a fully kind of turned rock.punk or just anything now!!! except from i just listen to anything that i like and that can soetimes involve r n b and stupid crap that i kind of dont really want to listen to but i still like it! but no basically i probably would be THE most bored person in the universe if music was never made! i think i probably would kill myself! except no thats wayyy too dramatic! ok no! i'd just be a tad bit deppressed and that is saying something! so yeh and music ISNT my life! i actually love it when people say that! it's seriously amazing! -x
everything ♥
the thing is.... i think i am quiet a strange deprived child because i dont really watch t.v very much and im actually fine except from when everyone decides to talk about it but except from that i actually dont care!! ♥
Oooh! bea likes books lots so basically everything except rubbish stuff whch is just rubbish loveeeeeeee jesscaaaa xo
all my frends cause they are always there for me whenever i need theem !!!! i love them oaa sooo much x x ♥