Vanessa Rojek | PURE profile picture

Vanessa Rojek | PURE

About Me

Pure passion. Pure music. Pure voice. Vanessa Rojek is PURE.

She is one of the most talented girls in the music scene yet, working hard on her career since she was fourteen. Her warm, pleasing voice paired with a stunning appearance impress everyone who gets to know her.

Born in 1989 she already has more than five years of experience, having done countless live-gigs and performances on stages all over germany.

Her polish roots and family influenced her to sing Jaque Brels „Ne me quitte pas“ in her polish mothertongue, which soon got noticed by one of the biggest polish tv-companies: TV-N. They produced a special for their show of the german newcomer-artist Vanessa Rojek.

Currently Vanessa is busier than ever, trying to manage both finishing her school and working on her career. Together with german producer and songwriter Timo Schattka she spents her days at SKYWAY MUSIC working on new songs. Her music is going to be very soulful, very danceable and of course: pure.

.. a

My Interests


Member Since: 06/11/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Katja Schoenafinger - Thank you for the beautiful piano playing and arrangement on "Nie opuszczaj mnie"!
Influences: Alicia Keys, Whitney Huston, Mariah Carey
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Aachener Nachrichten berichten über Vanessa Rojek

Mikrofon statt HaarbürsteAachen. Gerademal zehn Jahre alt war Vanessa Rojek, als sie gegenüber ihren Eltern den Wunsch äußerte, Sängerin zu werden. Überraschend kam das nicht. Schon vor der Einschul...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 07:33:00 GMT