Our experience of music parallels that of Vladimir Nabokov, who found it to be 'an arbitrary succession of more or less irritating sounds'. We believe there's far too much of it about, and have come together as a conclave of like-minded souls following the lineage and precepts of the Kool Karma Kollective, which pioneered the 'artless art' of audio absence in the late 1960s.
Engaging in an act of sonic midwifery, we make explicate that which was implicate: the music of the pleroma, the fecund void. Anahata: the unstruck sound; the essence of the unmanifest audio experience.
In these hectic times, we realise that few have the leisure to experience the full depth of metasonic mindfulness. Thus, we present to you our condensed hommage to Cage's masterwork, 4'33" - containing all the goodness in half the time: twoandaquarterodd minutes. Short, but perfectly formed: note particularly the change to a slow triple metre at the durational phi-fulcrum of the work, where the 'golden section' comes into play, invoking the concept of threefold perfection to which de Vitry alludes in the Ars Nova. The sacred pulse of the Trinity - or the Triple Goddess: pick your Triad. You may feel tempted to waltz on the inside: don't fight it.
We seek no publicity: destiny channels those fated to receive our message to an appropriate geotemporal nexus. When the Student is ready, the Teacher will appear, as indeed was the case with our own Guide; the Master Sordoji, whose last spoken words were reputedly: Just shut up and listen for a change. So we listened for a change, and encountered the changeless: the multiplex, protean Unity of the universal Drone. Fludd's cosmic Monochord voiced and embodied.
Embedded in the track is a newly deployed version of ParaCranial Systems TM technology, developed by Ida Pingala, PhD, to effect an entrainment of the cerebro-spinal pulse resulting in massive, system-wide recalibration of the organism to achieve hitherto unattainable shielding from environmental stressors. In combination with the MaxiMind TM techniques of Neuro-Mantic Programming TM plus the application of asanic postures developed by Austin O'Spare, this can facilitate a synergistic state of Bathyphonically Reticulated, Audio-Induced, Neuro-Dynamically Effected Abreactive Thanato-Holism TM .