Maggie profile picture


Love makes life so confusing but without love would you want to live?

About Me

We're back!!! I am thrilled to be back in Kansas City. It seems as if we have never leff (which is a good thing). I am so happy to be away from Wichita and now back home. We got our home that we wanted in Prairie Village and we are so close to most of our friends here in town (Beth you need to move this way).Logan has graduated from Med now I can finally call him Doctor. I am very proud of him and all of his accomplishments. It has been a long road for him and now the light is at the end of the tunnel. Four more years of residency and then who knows??Right now I am looking for a job. I am being a little more picky then I normally am. I want a job that allows me to have some freedom and one where I do not have to work in a cube. If you know of any..let me know.

My Space or Yours? Myspace Layouts and more at!

My Interests

I like everything really!! I would like to think I try everything once. However, if it involves heights and falling out of planes no way jose! Not for me! I love my family, friends, and who could forget how much I love my doggie ernie.

I'd like to meet:

Well you can never have too many friends...


Kelly Clarkson Never Again


I am very cheesy! I love romantic comedies! Every single one of them! Right now we are getting caught up on all the Nip/Tuck episodes. Might take a while.


Reality TV is good! I love Girls Next Door, Real World, Etc. I also cannot miss one episode of the O.C.,Everyone Loves Brian, or Grays Anatomy.


I read all types of books. I usually just read what my mom is reading, and if not those I read what I call "Fluff" books. I am a girly-girl.


My horseback trainer. She is wonderful! She ran away from home at 16 and made it all on her own. She really is an inspiration. Everything she does is gracefull and she is very wise. Beautiful on the inside and out