Member Since: 06/11/2007
Band Website: Coming Soon!!!!!!
Band Members: BOOKING:
or send us a message on myspace
Ryan Dillon -Vocals/Guitar/The Stick Bug
Steven Dominguez -Guitar/Vocals/The Eye Candy
Mark Trujillo -Keys/Vocals/The Sweetness
Niko Salas -Drums/Loud Noises!-START Block to Place Custom Banner at Top of Page-!: !-Create div with image. Replace my image with the URL of your own image-OR replace img block with your own code block!: .. !-END Block to Place Custom Banner at Top of Page-!:
Influences: These people do not necessarily influence our music as much as they influence our lives and make us want to do what we do! Basically if you don't like any band or any artist here don't worry you might still like us!Ryan Dillon:GODJeremy SpringBrad FosterBrian ScheidemanSpencer Chamberlain/underØATHAaron Marsh/CopelandMatt MacDonald/The Classic CrimeAaron Gillespie/The AlmostAaron Weiss/mewithoutYOUPhil WickhamJesse Ribordy/Falling UpMark Trujillo:GODShowbreadWavorlySkilletFalling UpNiko Salas:GODunderØATHMaylene and the Sons of Disasterfamily/friendsDRUMSreally LOUD NOISESAARON GILESPIEONCE NOTHING
Sounds Like: A pig imitating a cow and a cow imitating a pig at the same time.
Record Label: We don't have one