Faith For The Broken(RESURRECTED FOR 1 NIGHT ONLY) profile picture


About Me

Faith for the Broken are 4 guys who wanted to start a band for the Lord, rather than for fame. They wanted to start a band with a sound that went against the grain! Faith for the Broken wants to be a band that does not have a certain genre defining them. They want to be able to change their sound completely from song to song or just album to album. Because they know that whatever they do, as long as they do it for the Lord Jesus Christ, they are doing it right. They have been a full band for no longer than 2 months and have already played their first show with known bands such as Abandon Kansas and Progress In Color. And they are hoping to record their first full length record independently, sometime next year.
Faith for the Broken has called it quits, but will be back for one night only on June 19th, 2009 @Refuge with Ryan and Niko's new project Right Hand Side w/ Cody Powell from The Oceans Fall.
Check out the new project from Ryan and Niko here:
Add our friends too:
OUR VIDEOES: LIVE! Sorry for the quality and the sound! First verse of "Credentials Utensils Let's All Use Pencils" live

My Interests


Member Since: 06/11/2007
Band Website: Coming Soon!!!!!!
Band Members: BOOKING:
or send us a message on myspace

Ryan Dillon -Vocals/Guitar/The Stick Bug

Steven Dominguez -Guitar/Vocals/The Eye Candy

Mark Trujillo -Keys/Vocals/The Sweetness

Niko Salas -Drums/Loud Noises!-START Block to Place Custom Banner at Top of Page-!: !-Create div with image. Replace my image with the URL of your own image-OR replace img block with your own code block!: .. !-END Block to Place Custom Banner at Top of Page-!:
Influences: These people do not necessarily influence our music as much as they influence our lives and make us want to do what we do! Basically if you don't like any band or any artist here don't worry you might still like us!Ryan Dillon:GODJeremy SpringBrad FosterBrian ScheidemanSpencer Chamberlain/underØATHAaron Marsh/CopelandMatt MacDonald/The Classic CrimeAaron Gillespie/The AlmostAaron Weiss/mewithoutYOUPhil WickhamJesse Ribordy/Falling UpMark Trujillo:GODShowbreadWavorlySkilletFalling UpNiko Salas:GODunderØATHMaylene and the Sons of Disasterfamily/friendsDRUMSreally LOUD NOISESAARON GILESPIEONCE NOTHING
Sounds Like: A pig imitating a cow and a cow imitating a pig at the same time.
Record Label: We don't have one

My Blog

Sad News=(

Well Faith for the Broken is no longer a band, we've decided it was best to end it now rather than later! We are all obviously still super cool dudes and the best of friends, nothing could tear that a...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 23:50:00 GMT

Sad news!!!

Well as some of you may already know, Steven has left the band. It wasn't an easy decision for him to make, but he felt that it was the right one. He doesn't feel this is what God is calling him ...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 02:15:00 GMT

Quotes from the band =7

Here is a list of quotes we have heard over the many years we have been alive. Just thought it would be cool to have a quote wall with the greatest quotes ever to have been said in the history of fore...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 20:35:00 GMT