Hanging out with friends and spending time with my family. I love karaoke especially when drinking.Tidal Wave!
New and Old friends...
I LOVE country music... but not too twangy! I like to listen to everything atleast once! One of my favorite songs is Golddigger- I am not really sure why. I am very independent and I love to spend my own money. I really love Beyonce's new song "Upgrade"
I love romantic comedies...but I also love action thrillers. I am not a fan of scary movies.
One Tree Hill, Desperate Housewives, Dawson's Creek(still heartbroken), The First 48 (Amazing), Oprah, Court tv shows, American Justice, Animal Planet, Any reality tv shows, HGTV and I can basically find something to watch any night of the week!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, any and all kinds of love stories.
My mom is my hero, she carries on smiling even when things don't look like they could get any worse. She inspires me to go for eveything I want. The sky is the limit!!!