It all started when I was a baby listening to Italian music and dancing to the beats. I was born on December 25, 1991 in Staten Island, New York into a wonderful family with my mom Josephine, my dad Thomas, and my sister Allison. My grandparents, Nonno Gino and Grandma Susan, both introduced me to the wonderful arias, and Napoletano songs. Soon after I was born, my grandma brought me up into singing the same arias as the amazing Luciano Pavarotti, along with others such as The Three Tenors, Andrea Bocelli, Mario Lanza, and many other great artists.
First off, during my kindergarten years, I performed a song known as O' Sole Mio to my teacher. In return I was written a loving and thoughtful letter that was given to my parents to save. To this day I hold it in my first scrapbook. I also was given in return a performance by her next years Kindergarten class of The Prayer.
At the age of 5, the most amazing, and happiest event that occurred was when my grandma bought tickets for Lincoln Center. An opera was being held called Turandot starring Luciano Pavarotti. After the show I received backstage passes to visit Luciano Pavarotti's locker room. At that time I had my first scrapbook all ready and when he seen me, he took the book and signed my front cover. I also took a picture with him leaning on my head. I will never forget that moment I actually got to see my idol.
Also when I was 5 years old, I went to my first concert and I did a little act singing O' Sole Mio. My grandma then found other little shows that were going on throughout Staten Island and Brooklyn and signed me up to sing. My second act, still 5 years old, was held by a radio station still around today called ICN RADIO. The show featured many singers either who just started to sing, or who have been singing for a while. The concert was a contest for who ever could sing the best. Although I did not come in first, I did come in third winning a trophy, the youngest person to win. Moving on through my life, I visited the radio station and was live on the air a couple times performing Napoletano songs. I have been on an Italian TV show as well. The show is no longer around today. These events highlighted my 5 years.
Now, relocated in Arizona, I am with the Boulder Creek High School Choir Program for 3 years now making next year my 4th year. The program is wonderful and we travel to many festivals such as The Madrigal/Ensemble Festival at the NAU College in Flagstaff, Arizona. Also, the Deer Valley Music Festival located at Deer Valley High School also in Arizona. The Forum Festival is another location the choir performs at in California.
All these events that have taken place in my life mark the spot I am at now. I developed my first professional Cd, just not with a record company, but hope to get signed soon with a major record company. I hope to be able to perform in many concerts and shows. I also hope to be able to sing for many people all over the U.S. and many other countries. I thank all of my supporters and very much my family. Thank you everyone.
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