About me: I was born in San Jose, CA 26 years ago during the Olympics. My parents named me after my Great Grandmother's maiden name. She thought Bradbury was a dumb first name so she shoved a David in front of it. To make it easy for everyone one to spell and pronounce I go by Brad. Life was swell in San Jose, went to Schallenberger Elem, Hacienda Elem, John Muir Middle, and Lincoln High School and left for sunny and smog filled LA to attend Cal Poly Pomona for college. When I was 19 I legally changed my last name to avoid joining the Army, I'm not a fan of men in groups showering together with me included. Once that was done I changed all my legal docs and worked on my friends to stop calling me by my previous name (no I'm not sharing it, but if you know Ford car names add an "r" to the end of one of their questionably named cars.)
Four years later I walked in celebration of almost graduating college. Its 3 years later now and I still have 2 freaking units to finish to gradumicate. Took all my earned money for almost graduating and went to Europe for 7 weeks, wait 8 but I didn't realize it was 8 complete weeks until the 5th week there (I'm bad with calendars). It was there I cultivated my love for beer. I drank, laughed, cried, drank, I got a really bad fever, drank, slept, drank, saw the sites, drank. All in all worth the $8k I dropped on the trip!
Came home to California, went looking for a job, didn't get one, still didn't get one,. Ended up working for SJUSD being an elementary school technology teacher for 2 years, following in my mother's career. I love my mom, but I never loved my job that much and left that profession and looked for another. That brought me to Tulsa, Oklahoma where I am today looking for a job. Couldn't find one, decided to more and see what would happen. Still didn't find a job, decided to start my own company to do websites and graphic design. Things are going well with my company, the city of Tulsa is great, but the weather is beginning to suck. I knew it was gonna be cold, but I'm not prepared for cold-as-a-witches-tit-in-a-brass-bra-in-a-blizzard weather. I'm a sunny CA boy who wants 70 degree weather.
About what I like here's a little list: sushi, music, talking with people, politics, design, playing/watching sports, hanging out with friends, drinking beer, and more, and more.
Thinks I don't like: hypochondriacs, liars, hypocrites, super ultra religious people who think they can convert me, myspace whores, country music, ignorance, and cold weather.
To learn more go to my site: Bleakworld