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To know someone is hurting so bad inside that they want to die, is painful. I know to many people (kids and adults)it sounds stupid when you hear someone say "It will get better" or "Look on the bright side". But it's true. It may not be the next day. Not even the next week or month..but your life can and will get better. Please, just hang on.You just have to hang on and reach out for help. Don't think you will look stupid for asking someone for help. So many people want to help. Just give it a chance.I know it's sometimes hard to find help. Some people don't know where to look or who to go to. I will add some phone numbers on this page you can call. I will add more as I
find them.1)United States National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
1-800-273-8255 the all is free and you can call nytime day or night (24-hours)
2)Youth Link in New Orleans, Louisiana (504) 895-2550 hours to call that number are 6PM-11PM. After hours call (504)269-2673 or 1-800-749-2673. This is a hotline aimed at youths or young adults sufering with depression and stress. The email is: [email protected]