Marie Camin profile picture

Marie Camin

About Me

"Failure is not an option. Failure will never be an option. Teachers at school would always say 'Marie, you need to have a back up incase you fail.' To which I would reply; 'Having a back up is giving myself an option to take the easy way out if it gets hard.' I'm giving this my all. And then, if it doesn't happen, I'll be content living as a housewife knowing that I gave it my all."
Welcome to my soul, my love, my passion, my life. It doesn't matter what braught you to this page; now that you're here, you're looking at a revolution in music. I'm here to change the world.
I'm tired of men singing about "shake that ass" "take it off" or "bounce wit me". I'm tired of women singing about "take off my clothes" or "boy you know you want me". I'm tired of people using music and abusing their musicality to make political statements or influence youth into having opinions which aren't their own.
To be given the gift of music is an amazing thing. Music is a form of communication and release that every single person in this world knows. We all live in this world together. But there are black people, yellow, red, and white people. There are christian people, jewish, buddhist, and muslim people. There are sad people, happy, angry, and hurt people. There are good people, positive, and negative people. There are poor people, rich, comfortable, and suffering people. And in amongst all of this confusion, war, culture, religion, and differences, we all come together through music. No matter how you feel, what race you are, what language you speak, what religion you practice, or what you believe, you can listen to music.
I want other artists to realise this, like I do. Then they can finally start to use their gift from their heart and soul instead of their superficial and materialistic minds. Then true, honest music will fill the world, heal the world, and change the world.
With Love
xo marie

My Interests


Member Since: 9/1/2005
Band Members: Marie Caminiti - Lyrics, Poetry, Piano, Guitar, Voice.

PO BOX 145

Influences: life.
Sounds Like: autumn leaves falling, morning light pouring through your bedroom window, a fragile sparrow with a broken wing, falling in love for the first time, grazing your knee, a seventy metre freefall, spare change you can't spare, bandaging your heart for the first time, looking into their eyes, plugging in a guitar, falling asleep on your piano, a child beaing born, a raindrop in the silence, a melody to soothe your soul, christmas morning when you're five years old, finding your beauty, words of truth, discovering a world you thought was dead; the secret symphony of life that everyone's grown deaf to.
Record Label: None ..Yet
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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