All the mad hatters tall hatters and freaked out souls out there ! Dean Koontz, Angelina Jolie, U2, Brian Deegan & CAPRICE...
I am a true hardcore fan love the sensation of hard bass and jacked up beats pulsating through my body oh yeh its another world in one I'll never to be old for a rave - DJ Brisk AJax-Ultrasonic-Scott Brown-Neophyte-Hixxy-Dyewitness-Ann Savage-Nik Fish-Mauro Picotto-Lisa Lashes-Armin Van Burren-Tiesto-Judge Jules-Paul Kelly-INXS-U2-NIN-Tool-The Prests-MSTRKRFT-Plump DJ's-Muscles-The Police-Hilltop Hoods-Portishead-Linkin Park-Bloc Party-Hole-The Doors-Van Morrison-CCR-James Brown-Johnny Cash-Tracy Chapman-Aretha Franklin-Tom Petty-Dinvyls-Fleetwood Mac-Primus,RHCP-The Streets-
All things horror The Shining, IT - i like a good psychological (did i spell that right) screw with your mind type flick... Natural Born Killers Nothing beats a good Action flick - Face Off Gone in 60 seconds, Con Air love Troy and all war movies Saving Private Ryan, The Thin Red Line, We Were Soldiers Good Morning Vietnam Apocalypse Now -bring on Stanley Kubrick and Tarantino these guys are true talents of film making !! Dusk till Dawn, Alexander, Cindarella Man, Fight Club, Being John Malkovich, The people vs Larry Flynt, Vanilla Sky, Girl Interrupted, Requiem for a dream, Full Metal Jacket, Clockwork Orange, Once were warriors, Milo & Otis haha I like all movies with a weird and twisted Plot ..And classics like Dazed N Confused, Human Traffic, Groove, Trainspotting Kevin & Perry go LARGE wat a cracker of a film
Bring on horror - dean koontz and steven king!! All true crime and the psychological workings of a serial killer i like to know what makes that kind of person's mind work but dont be alarmed i dont have any psycho killer tendicies just enjoy the read...
People who live by the small words "CARPE DIEM"