I'm quiet and reserved but friendly and accomodating. Also an Associate please visit my STORE: isantiago4.qhealthzone.com.I play the WarWick bass in many bands! currently writing originals songs and doing gigs here and elsewhere
.my knowledge is better than my education but yea I respect and appreciate everything thats made me to be a man from a child...
I like to keep sentiments alive and as a belief in making a lasting impression through all ''music''works.
also very passionate for electric Bass instruments,thats my tool,almost what defined me,and my way to get rid of hard times,cant really live without it.It took a minute or two for the penny to drop. The dollar signs in the name of Warwick's Corvette $$ stand for 'double buck', of course, referring to its twin humbuckers – geddit? These twin magnetic monsters are what set this bass apart from the standard Corvette models, and for most of us they will bring to mind a famous fishy bass produced by a certain well-known Californian brand. Of course, the Music Man Stingray has no monopoly on the humbucker, and the Corvette $$ sports a pair of passive but massive MEC units, coupled with a two-band active tone circuit. The body shape, however, is Warwick through and through, plus all of the usual appointments that make Warwick basses such an appealing prospect to so many.
This bass represents a compelling variation on a classic Warwick design, making the Corvette $$ a super workhorse that will appeal to a wide variety of bassists and musical styles. It's great to play, great to look at, and possesses a wide range of fat and slightly hollow sounds. It's neither ultra-modern nor vintage in overall character, but neither is it limited to one type of sound – the powerful, active EQ and versatile switching options see to that. As a result, this Warwick has very broad appeal, not least because the left-handed and fretless options come at no extra cost. Price-wise, the $$ weighs in at not much more than a standard Corvette model (depending on the finish and other options), making it a highly impressive, great value-for-money bass.
a little rose