I am a singer songwriter looking for artists and songwriters to collaborate with!I have been told that networking and Cowriting is the way forward, and I'm all for it!My main goal is to be able to make a living as a songwriter for other artists, but I'm not gonna deny that I have great performance skills as well, and enjoy playing for live audiences.The process of creating music though, will always be number 1 for me.I have to give a shoutout to the following :RASMUS ZEEBERG (Blessed guitarist, mainly known for his work with the band "Zar", who has plays on the the songs "Seen it all", "Baby", and "Love"www.myspace.com/zarmusicDAVID HERTZ (Gifted producer/soundtechnician. Coproduced and mastered the tracks "Seen it all" and "Sister")http://www.myspace.com/davidhertzTOBIAS HEILMANN (Soulmate and partner in crime. I have played several gigs with this wonderful musician and human being, mainly with the danish project "FLAB")http://www.myspace.com/flabmusikLENNART BÃœNGER (The man who convinced me that I was a musician. A dear friend. I am eternally greatful mate!)http://www.myspace.com/corneryROCKNROLLRECORDS (Old friends who are in the process of building a musical empire based on innovative ideas, honesty and good oldfashioned motherf...ing ROCK AND ROLL BABY!!!)http://www.myspace.com/rocknrollrecordThere are many others to praise, but I'll leave it at the above for nowTo everybody else. I love response! I need input!GIVE IT TO ME GOD DAMN IT!Do you have a story that needs to be told? Do you have a cause that deserves to be fought for? Do you have ANY input at all?Maybe I can turn it into a song, so dont hesitate to inspire me, and I will inspire you right back if you touch me!Maybe one day your name will appear on one of my productions. Maybe one day we can change the world together. Who knows?MUCH LOVE